Sep 11Liked by Jen Glantz

Be gentle with yourself!

Which long sleeves did you link from Gap? When I click through it makes me open the app but it’s just the home page, not an individual product.

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Sep 11Liked by Jen Glantz

Hi Jen, I look forward to receiving your Monday news letter each week in my inbox. Thanks for the great tips and wonderful ideas!

Also, don't listen to people when they tell you should be over something. Take your time, zoom in and acknowledge your feelings. Treat yourself with kindness, always!

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Appreciate this soooo much!

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Sep 9Liked by Jen Glantz

That was brave of you, so on brand.

You will never know how many people are having their Ohhhhhhh So That’s What Happened/Is Happening To Me realization thanks to your generous share.

The late Kitty Carlisle used to look herself in the mirror every day and say, β€œI forgive you, Kitty.”

I asked my sister if she could ever do that, forgive herself by name, because I know I couldn’t, and she said she could not.

But I can say β€œI forgive you, Kitty,” so I do that.

There’s power in this repetitive practice, in my experience. YMMV

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Thank you <3 -- that's such a good point. IDK if I could say "I forgive you, Jen." But it would be nice!

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Thanks for this! Very needed this Monday morning.

I had an extremely traumatic event happen over a 6ish month period beginning just over a year ago. And it feels like I feel it in all different ways at surprising times. I spent the whole weekend in the dark just watching crap tv because I was just too overwhelmed. I so so so needed the reminder that, it’s okay to not be β€œover it” and I possibly never will be. It felt like the hug I’ve been looking for.

My finances changed, mg career trajectory, ability to trust, refusing to date, etc. I know it’ll get better but it’s comforting to know that it’s also okay if this little ache stays around.

I also *hope* that you don’t have the same experience as me. You’re an amazing mom. Your daughter is safe, loved, and now has the story that I think we may all have from our early years with a scar to match.

Again thank you and I’m off to begin my day πŸ’•πŸ’•

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Gosh thank you for sharing this with me. I'm so sorry you went through this awful awful thing -- do what you need when you need it -- and know the ache may never leave but it will dull down over time. We dilute all our pain with the tears of both good and bad that come next. Sending you love love love

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